July 4th staying put in Dawson city

today Tracy started the day with an omelet, fruit, muffins and coffee.  We decided to use a guide to bus us to tombstone park on the Dempster highway.  Greg picked us up at 9:00, made a stop at the bakery for fresh bread for sandwiches and we travelled the 40 km to the Dempster turnoff and 107 km up the gravel road.  Road conditions were great but visibility of the mountains were blurred by lingering smoke and there was no wind to clear the air.   Still it was a good 7 hour day touring the park, the interpretive centre and doing our best to find wildlife.   (We had to settle for a dead penguin (kids toy), and a ground squirrel ).   We were accompanied by only one couple – Nancy and Bill from San Diego.  Supper tonight was at Klondike Kate’s restaurant (burgers and salad)